Zara, forever your daughter 22nd April 2024

Dad, what can be said that hasn't already been said between us over the years. Never has a daughter felt more pride for her dad than I do for you. I remember you teaching me to read. The joy it brought into my life. I never felt like a bookworm or a nerd. I just shared the love of the written word with my dad. And that was enough. Now I find that my fellow puzzle buddy is my missing piece. You've been my guiding light to try new things and embrace my eccentricities. Our game of squirrels will continue. Thank you for instilling in me the all consuming obsession to see the world. I know I am extremely lucky to have the memories of us and our travels to look back on. They will play like a movie in my mind for the rest of my life. You showed me why it's called a wonderful world. Wherever my feet and heart take me, you will be right there with me. Dad, I promise to find the joy and bright side of life. But just for a little while, please grant me time to grieve you, my hero. It takes time to rewire yourself to become a version of you that you don't yet know. The person who can live happily without a light they didn't think they could live without. It feels strange for the world to continue turning, it's not the same, it never will be, but it keeps turning. We needed more time. I understand now, more than ever, of its value. You deserved more time. I miss you more than I ever thought possible. And when I really think about it, I know I'll be looking for you in all of my tomorrows. Around the corner and on the road ahead expecting you to just be there. Like you always have been. For now, when the clouds part and the stars come out, I'll be searching the skies for the big dipper. I know you understand. I will look for you in the rain that we both love so much. I love you. Always. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest sweet prince.